Private Yoga Classes in

Manhattan Beach and Santa Barbara

Create an event with the perfect balance of movement, mindfulness, and connection!

Schedule a private yoga session customized for your group.

Location? Private yoga classes are available in-studio or at your location

Rates?  Rates start at $200 for up to 6 people. Additional details upon request.

Mats? Up to 10 mats are included with the rental (except beach locations). Additional mats available for rent.

Bachelorette & Wedding Yoga Packages in Santa Barbara

Sol Seek Is Santa Barbara's PREMIER STUDIO for private yoga packages tailored specifically for bachelorette parties and weddings! 

Whether you're seeking a blissful session to kickstart your bachelorette party or a pre-wedding practice to center and connect with your bridal party, our private yoga packages offer the perfect blend of wellness and celebration.


Package 2 • Private Outdoor Yoga Class

Add-On: Post-Class Local Wine from Jamie Slone Wines

Add-On: Post-Class Coffee + Pastries from Dawn Café

Add-On: Post-Class Picnic provided by The Eddy


Package 1 • Private In-Studio Yoga Class

Add-On: Post-Class Local Wine from Jamie Slone Wines

Add-On: Post-Class Coffee + Pastries from Dawn Café


Package 3 • Pre or Post Wedding Couples Yoga

Add-On: Couple’s Massage • Rates Vary

Add-On: Post-Class Local Wine from Jamie Slone Wines

Add-On: Post-Class Picnic provided by The Eddy

Interested in Booking a Private Yoga Class?