Lucy yoga teacher at Sol Seek Yoga in Santa Barbara

Lucy Willhite


Bio: I started practicing yoga about eight years ago and have been teaching for three! I grew up dancing ballet and eventually moved to New York City to dance with the Joffrey Ballet school. In short, my body was constantly sore & my mental health was depleting. I decided to try out a local yoga studio on my block & cried tears of joy all throughout my first class. From there my yoga journey has been an evolution of combining mental health with movement, and more recently, combining outdoor adventure with mindful movement. In my class you can expect a little bit of calm, a little bit of chaos, and a whole lot of fun!

  • My classes are:

    Intentional, playful, investigative and grounding. I want all my students to show up as they are and meet themselves where they're at each and everyday; no matter what that looks like!

  • When I'm not on my mat I'm:

    Surfing, reading, writing, or spending time in nature with the humans I love!

  • I grew up in: 

    Ojai/Ventura, California

  • Something you'd never guess about me is:

    I am 100% sure I was a dolphin in my past life!

  • Catch me on Instagram:
